API Portal

WMS Portal

Create Order

  1. POST /api-json/pms/createorder.aspx?key=271bd87a-60bd-4ef8-b3bc-5192e2e72de310000

Query request parameters

parameter name type required length describe example eg
key String required api key 271bd87a-60bd-4ef8-b3bc-5192e2e72de3

Body request example

    "from_AddressLine1":"5031 Halison Street",
    "to_AddressLine1":"847 Spring Creek Court",
    "to_City":"Elk Grove Village",

Body Request Parameter

Body parameter name Type _ Required _ Length _ Describe _ example eg
customer_ID String customer ID 10000
status String Order Status 10 (draft) or 30 (reviewed/generated (depending on service settings))
from_PersonName String required sender name Lily
from_CountryCode String required Shipping country code US
from_CompanyName String optional Sending company **.OLD
from_AddressLine1 String required Sending address 1 5031 Halison Street
from_AddressLine2 String optional Sending address 2
from_AddressLine3 String optional Sending address 3
from_PostalCode String required send zip code 91765
from_Zip4 String optional small zip code 0000
from_City String sender city Londerzeel
from_StateProvinceCode String optional From State longhuaqu
from_PhoneNumber String Sending contact information 0000000000
from_TaxNo String Shipping Tax ID 0000000000
to_PersonName String required recipient name Lily
to_CountryCode String required Recipient country code US
to_CompanyName String optional receiver **.OLD
to_AddressLine1 String required Recipient address 1 5031 Halison Street
to_AddressLine2 String optional Recipient address 2
to_AddressLine3 String optional Recipient address 3
to_PostalCode String required Receiving zip code 91765
to_Zip4 String optional small zip code 0000
to_City String Recipient city Londerzeel
to_StateProvinceCode String optional recipient state longhuaqu
to_PhoneNumber String Receiving contact information 0000000000
to_TaxNo String Receiving tax number 0000000000
orderNo String required Reference Number/Order Number 0000000000
serviceCode String required service code UPS
remark String Remark test
Distribution String Shipping Information test
Source String source test
items JSON required package information The parameters are as follows
items parameter name type required length describe example eg
Unit String required unit LB/KG LB corresponds to IN KG corresponds to CM
weight float weight 1
length float long 1
width float Width 1
height float high 1
height float high 1
SKU string SKU SKU
Quantity int Quantity of products in the package 1

Example of a successful response

    "No":"Single Number", 
    "serviceCode":"Service Code", 
    "totalRate":"Total Cost", 
            "tracingNo":"waybill number", 
            "tracingNo":"waybill number", 

Example of a failure response


response parameter

parameter name describe type
result Whether it is successful (success/failure)
code error code 100 is success
message prompt description string

error code

the code describe
100 success
101 fail