- POST /api-json/pms/createorder.aspx?key=271bd87a-60bd-4ef8-b3bc-5192e2e72de310000
parameter name | type | required | length | describe | example eg |
key | String | required | | api key | 271bd87a-60bd-4ef8-b3bc-5192e2e72de3 |
"from_AddressLine1":"5031 Halison Street",
"to_AddressLine1":"847 Spring Creek Court",
"to_City":"Elk Grove Village",
Body parameter name | Type _ | Required _ | Length _ | Describe _ | example eg |
customer_ID | String | | | customer ID | 10000 |
status | String | | | Order Status | 10 (draft) or 30 (reviewed/generated (depending on service settings)) |
from_PersonName | String | required | | sender name | Lily |
from_CountryCode | String | required | | Shipping country code | US |
from_CompanyName | String | optional | | Sending company | **.OLD |
from_AddressLine1 | String | required | | Sending address 1 | 5031 Halison Street |
from_AddressLine2 | String | optional | | Sending address 2 | |
from_AddressLine3 | String | optional | | Sending address 3 | |
from_PostalCode | String | required | | send zip code | 91765 |
from_Zip4 | String | optional | | small zip code | 0000 |
from_City | String | | | sender city | Londerzeel |
from_StateProvinceCode | String | optional | | From State | longhuaqu |
from_PhoneNumber | String | | | Sending contact information | 0000000000 |
from_TaxNo | String | | | Shipping Tax ID | 0000000000 |
to_PersonName | String | required | | recipient name | Lily |
to_CountryCode | String | required | | Recipient country code | US |
to_CompanyName | String | optional | | receiver | **.OLD |
to_AddressLine1 | String | required | | Recipient address 1 | 5031 Halison Street |
to_AddressLine2 | String | optional | | Recipient address 2 | |
to_AddressLine3 | String | optional | | Recipient address 3 | |
to_PostalCode | String | required | | Receiving zip code | 91765 |
to_Zip4 | String | optional | | small zip code | 0000 |
to_City | String | | | Recipient city | Londerzeel |
to_StateProvinceCode | String | optional | | recipient state | longhuaqu |
to_PhoneNumber | String | | | Receiving contact information | 0000000000 |
to_TaxNo | String | | | Receiving tax number | 0000000000 |
orderNo | String | required | | Reference Number/Order Number | 0000000000 |
serviceCode | String | required | | service code | UPS |
remark | String | | | Remark | test |
Distribution | String | | | Shipping Information | test |
Source | String | | | source | test |
items | JSON | required | | package information | The parameters are as follows |
items parameter name | type | required | length | describe | example eg |
Unit | String | required | | unit | LB/KG LB corresponds to IN KG corresponds to CM |
weight | float | | | weight | 1 |
length | float | | | long | 1 |
width | float | | | Width | 1 |
height | float | | | high | 1 |
height | float | | | high | 1 |
SKU | string | | | SKU | SKU |
Quantity | int | | | Quantity of products in the package | 1 |
"No":"Single Number",
"serviceCode":"Service Code",
"totalRate":"Total Cost",
"tracingNo":"waybill number",
"tracingNo":"waybill number",
parameter name | describe | type |
result | | Whether it is successful (success/failure) |
code | error code | 100 is success |
message | prompt description | string |
the code | describe |
100 | success |
101 | fail |